Category: Resources

Opposition Statement from 6 Past Presidents, etc.

Dear IEEE Member,
As you are likely aware by now, voting in the annual IEEE election has begun. Members are asked to vote on a constitutional amendment that would fundamentally change IEEE.  The matter that has become quite contentious within the IEEE leadership. You may access the ballot at

The overwhelming majority of IEEE’s technical societies, 26 of them, plus many sections, have expressed opposition to the constitutional amendment at the level of their leadership.  Six past IEEE presidents, among other leaders (see the signatories below) have also expressed their opposition.
Why is there such widespread opposition?  Because, among other reasons, the amendment would enable:

  • a small group to take control of IEEE
  • transferring of power from over 300,000 members to a small group of insiders,
  • removing technical activities representation from the Board of Directors, thereby diminishing the voices of technology in steering IEEE’s future,
  • removing regional representation from the Board of Directors thereby making it possible that, e.g., no Asian or European representatives will be on the Board of Directors – thus breaking the link between our sections and the decisions the Board will make,
  • moving vital parts of the constitution to the bylaws – which could be subject to change by a small group, on short notice.

The opponents feel that the risks and detrimental effects of the amendment would far outweigh the purported benefits.  The existing IEEE constitution offers alternative, less complex ways of accomplishing the intended improvements while maintaining members at the core of the decision making process.

Additional reasons for opposing the constitutional amendment and the proposed restructuring may be found at the “Loyal Opposition’s” website and at the Washington, DC Section’s website. It is important that IEEE members be informed about the possible consequences if this Amendment were to pass. The possible benefits of the amendment are discussed at the amendment website.

Please share this message with other members, and please VOTE AGAINST the amendment!  IEEE members may access the ballot via the Access Ballot button here.

Charles K. Alexander 1997 IEEE President
W. Cleon Anderson 2005 IEEE President
Marc T Apter 2013 IEEE-USA President, and
2004-2005 IEEE Vice President, Regional Activities
Anthony C Davies 2003-2004 IEEE Region 8 Director
Harold Flescher 2003-2004 Division IV Director, and
2009 Technical Activities Vice President
2011-2012 IEEE Treasurer
Jim Isaak 2002/4 IEEE Division Director, and
2010 Computer Society President
Tony Ivanov 2016 IEEE Washington DC Section Chair
Michael Lightner 2006 IEEE President
Roberto de Marca 2014 IEEE President
Troy Nagle 1994 IEEE President
John Vig 2009 IEEE President


Amendment Information Pro and Con

Here is a two page informative document that outlines the key concepts of the Amendment, points to pro and con information sources and encourages members to become informed and to ballot based on their informed position.

InfoLetter 160716-sections

IEEE groups can use this to help inform members and encourage them to participate without electioneering for a specific position.


Opposition Resources

Informative as well as documents advocating opposition, or questioning the appropriateness of approval at this time are posted on the web (although IEEE’s official site/sources refuse or are significantly delayed in posting this type of information… (even the TAB adHoc report that was formally presented at the TAB meeting).  So here is a pointer to these documents for download from the Yahoo Community (